Tuesday, July 17, 2012

iPhone 5: To Be Launched on August 7?

According to a website, an Apple source revealed that Apple will launch the new iPhone in exactly three weeks, on the 7th of August to be exact, during a keynote speech. 

Previously, there has been speculations that the release date will be earlier: from October to August. That said, one can say that Apple wants to react to the success of the Samsung Galaxy S3, which I think has received a good response from techies the world over.

What of its new features? Until now, everything remains a speculation. There are still no details about the specs, design or availability. There are rumors though about the new iPhone 5 having a larger 4-inch Retina display, NFC support and possess a Quad-Core processor. It is said that it will be the debut device for the next version of Apple's Operating System, the iOS6. 

I can't wait to learn the official specs but I guess I will have to wait until the 7th of August for it. I also have always wanted to get myself a smartphone. Maybe, if I wait long enough, I will get the one meant for me. As they always say, "good things come to those who wait...."


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