Thursday, August 30, 2012

A Loner's Game?

They say solitaire is a loner's game. I wonder why... Maybe because it is a game one can play by oneself. I refer to it as the card game and I would usually play this to while away the time. I really enjoy playing this game and even learned some variations along the way. Some people call the card game as "Patience". It involves placing the cards in a layout and sorting them according to some set of of rules. I am unable to explain the rules clearly though because I just learned it. It is quite easy though and once you get the hang of it, you can play on and on and on.

There's even so many variations to the game already and there are many free solitaire games available on the internet. It is amazing how the simple solitaire game has evolved: from the simple solitaire card game to other variations like the mahjong solitaire and even the peg solitaire, which seem more like a puzzle since once it is solved, it is repeatable. There's one interesting free pyramid solitaire game that I found on the net, whose aim is to remove all the cards from the pyramid. The rules are simple but it is quite difficult to remove all the cards from the pyramid. One can only remove two cards at a time, and they should add up to 13. If they don't add up, you can draw another one from the deck of cards. The King can be removed as it is by clicking on it with a mouse. It is indeed a challenging game. I have been playing it for a while now although I haven't had any luck in removing all the cards yet. I guess I just have to have more patience and pray for some luck.

Try it and see if you can win! It may be a loner's game but there is still some fun to it. :)

A Good Way to Learn

Learning the natural sciences can either be very difficult or very interesting depending on the way it is taught and on the different learning materials available to the student. Biology, Chemistry and Physics are three of these natural sciences that I consider to be very interesting when taught the right way.

These days, the modern student likes it more when certain topics are presented in a creative, interactive way.  The teacher has the responsibility of seeing to it that the subject matter is taught in an effective manner. Gone are the days when writing equations on the board and talking in monologues are the measure of good teaching. Although they are essential, the lectures and the calculations, it is a good idea to spice it up some more. Adding some video documentaries, experiments, practical examples, and even games and short excursion trips all add up to making the subject matter more interesting. It keeps the students alert and active while learning how things work without getting bored.

And as for students, they should also learn how to be creative and be resourceful when learning. It is also important that the student has interest in the subject manner, otherwise it will really be difficult for him to learn. And should studying bore him to death, there will always be free online games on the internet like the  happy wheels game that will help him break the monotony. But of course, he shouldn't spend the entire time playing. One should be disciplined enough to know their limit.

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Super Mario

I don't know anybody who doesn't know Super Mario. He is a very popular character way back in the 80's and I guess he still is to this day. I consider Super Mario a classic computer game. It has been in existence for three decades now and it is still popular among children, teenagers and adults alike. I remember playing with it with my cousins on our Family computer when I was still a kid. That was still in the 80's and technology has evolved a lot since then.

Yet, Super Mario, the Italian guy in the signature blue jumpers, red shirt and cap, and black moustache and his sidekick and bestfriend Luigi, the one in the green jumpers, didn't  seem to grow old. He still looks the same, maybe even better. The games have become better too - more interactive, more alive, more colorful.

Have you ever tried playing mario games? My daughter even enjoyed playing it when she was allowed to play with a friend's Nintendo.

One can even play the good old classic mario and even luigi games using only a computer and an internet connection. Yes, no need to buy additional gadgets. I tried playing it online and it brought back those childhood memories. The graphics and the audio are very similar to the one I was used to playing as a kid, it made me smile just listening to the background audio. Hehe!

Because the game is free, you can play with it for hours on end and never get bored. There's different games for different age groups and gender. The classic Super Mario Brothers game is available for just about anyone. Interesting games like Mario pacman can be played by big children, and Mario memory game and Mario tetris would be a fun game to be played by smaller children.

Monday, August 20, 2012

Pearls Never Go Out of Style

Freshwater pearls are the gems that have always and will forever be in style. All the latest trends and fashionista’s around the world incorporate them into every day wear. They are simply the easiest to work with because they not only complete all the outfits that seem nearly impossible, they also can be the beginning of a new family tradition. Thousands of women pass down their gems to younger generations, where pearls are the main gem that is passed down. 

As for pearl anklets those are unique. You may not see them as much, but they are sure out there. I know that everyone that has one loves them because they complete the outfit without being overbearing and pompous. Unlike bracelets, anklets are perfect for the summer; bracelets get in the way and are sometimes too much for an almost perfect outfit. They are subtle enough but give enough spice to an outfit that tops everything off.

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Summer Closing Sale

Summer is almost over. I can already see shops displaying their Autumn and Winter collections. More importantly, end of summer sales abound. Are you planning on going on vacation to a tropical country to escape the cold, winter days? Then now is the perfect time to buy those trendy and chic summer outfits. Although the SSV is over, there are still some shops offering summer collections on sale for late shoppers. 

A shop's window enticing shoppers with their promotion... up to 50% off !
Here in Germany, the summer closing sale or Sommerschlussverkauf (SSV) takes place for 2 weeks, for a total of 12 days since shops are closed on Sundays. It would be very wise to save up your allowance and hit the shopping malls starting from the last week of July until the first week of August. Retail shops are offering up to 50-70% discount on summer collections. This is done to sell a huge part of the summer collections and to make room for the new winter collection.

According to German law, on sale goods during the SSV should only be seasonal items like textile, clothing items, footwear, leather goods and sports articles. Included in the textiles are not only clothing items, but also furniture coverings, carpets and mattresses which are manufactured using textile. Suitcases and handbags could also be included in the end-of-summer-season sale if they are made of leather or textiles. Not included in the assortment are glasswares, china and ceramics, electrical appliances, writing materials, etc.

I know I am too late for the SSV this year but there will always be other SSV in the years to come. I still have more summers ahead of me. It pays to do some research first.


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