Thursday, August 9, 2012

Summer Closing Sale

Summer is almost over. I can already see shops displaying their Autumn and Winter collections. More importantly, end of summer sales abound. Are you planning on going on vacation to a tropical country to escape the cold, winter days? Then now is the perfect time to buy those trendy and chic summer outfits. Although the SSV is over, there are still some shops offering summer collections on sale for late shoppers. 

A shop's window enticing shoppers with their promotion... up to 50% off !
Here in Germany, the summer closing sale or Sommerschlussverkauf (SSV) takes place for 2 weeks, for a total of 12 days since shops are closed on Sundays. It would be very wise to save up your allowance and hit the shopping malls starting from the last week of July until the first week of August. Retail shops are offering up to 50-70% discount on summer collections. This is done to sell a huge part of the summer collections and to make room for the new winter collection.

According to German law, on sale goods during the SSV should only be seasonal items like textile, clothing items, footwear, leather goods and sports articles. Included in the textiles are not only clothing items, but also furniture coverings, carpets and mattresses which are manufactured using textile. Suitcases and handbags could also be included in the end-of-summer-season sale if they are made of leather or textiles. Not included in the assortment are glasswares, china and ceramics, electrical appliances, writing materials, etc.

I know I am too late for the SSV this year but there will always be other SSV in the years to come. I still have more summers ahead of me. It pays to do some research first.



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