Friday, August 13, 2010

Friday Fill Ins #1

It's my first time to join Friday Fill Ins. I hope I get this right and be able to join on a regular basis.

1. Music is food for the soul.

2. Feeling the warmth of my sleeping Hubby and little girl is what I like first thing in the morning.

3. The first thing I said this morning was: Morgen schatz. It means "good morning sweetheart".

4. Nothing:  it's what's for dinner tonight. I didn't cook because we had dinner at a friend's house. :D

5. It's all been three years, one month and five days (?) since Hubby and I went on a movie date.

6. Cuddling is what I feel like doing right now.

7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to seeing friends, tomorrow my plans include working on my pending online work and Sunday, I want to treat Hubby to a foot scrub courtesy of me!

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